Witam. Chciałbym sobie pośpiewać piosenke lecz niestety nieumiem zadobrze angieslkiego. Bardzo prosiłbym o napisanie jak się śpiewa tą piosenke ;) I came to dig dig dig dig
I'll build a city oh so big big big big
just wait a sec, gotta kill this pig pig pig pig
cook me some bacon and take a swig swig swig swig
yeah, yeah
there must be something I can craft
to ease the burden of this task
I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, that creeper's KO'd
loot his remains and now his sulphur's mine
saying ay-oh, not today no
and then I'll go to work
under the birch tree
and I'll make myself
tons of TNT
cause ill use these blocks
I'll build a big city
and I'll mine it all
using TNT
I came to blow blow blow blow
up everything you've ever known known known known
expel you out of house and home home home home
biome to biome you shall roam roam roam
yeah, yeah
cause I'm a creeper I will rob
all of your items it's my job
I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, creeper's KO'd
teabag his ghost and now his sulphur's mine
sayin' ay-oh, MLG pro
and then I'll head back home
where I'll smile with glee
that now I can make
lots of TNT
'cause I rule my world
made in 3 by 3
I'm-a blow stuff up
with my TNT
Im gonna blow it all up
every mountain every valley
ruler of the world, yup
all of the animals will fear me
Cause TNT is awesome
and TNT, is just really cool, is just really cool
I'm gonna shoot my arrows in the air, yeah
arrows in the the air
shoot your arrows in the air-air-air-air-air-air...
I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes
saying ay-oh, creeper's KO'd
teabag his ghost and now his sulphur's mine
saying' ay-oh, MLG pro
and then I'll head back home
where I'll smile with glee
that now I can make
lots of TNT
'cause I rule my world
made in 3 by 3
I'm-a blow stuff up
with my TNT
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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aj kam tu dig dig dig dig dig
ajl bild e siti oł soł big big big big
dżost lejt e sekynd, goda kil dys pig pig pig
kuk mi som bejkyn end tejk e słyg słyg słyg
je je
der mast bi somfyn aj ken kreft tu izi de byrdyn of dis tesk je
aj szut maj erołs in de eir somtajms sejing ejo detskriper KO'd
posłuchaj sobie tej piosenki, bo z zapisu fonetycznego za wiele się nie nauczysz....
Postaram się jak tylko mogę :))
aj kem to dig dig dig dig ajld bajld e siti oł soł big big big big Dżast łejt e sik gota kil dys pig pig pig pig kuk mi som bikom end tejk e swig swig swig swig jea jea.
der mast bi samfing aj ken kraft tu izi de barden of dys tesk jea.
aj szot maj arołs in de ajer samtajms sejing ej-oł dat kripirs kejołd.
lot his rimeins end nał solpurs majn sejing ej-oł not tudej noł.
end den ajl goł tu łork ander de bircz tri and ajl mejk majself tuns of tuns of tijenti kjus il (be ill - znaczy być chorym tłumaczy się inaczej niż I'll) jus dis bloks ajl bajld e big siti and ajl majn it ol juzing tijenti.
aj kejm to bloł bloł bloł bloł ap evryfing juw ever noł noł noł noł ekspil ju ałt of hałs and hom hom hom hom bajołmi tu bajołmi ju szel rom rom rom jea jea
kjus ajm a kripir aj łil rob ol of jor itajms its my dżob jea.
aj szot maj arołs in de ajer samtajms sejing ej-oł kripirs kejołd.
za długi tekst. a ja już nie mam czasu więc nareazie tyle pośpiewaj :)) ;p