Właśnie wróciłeś z wycieczki.
Napisz do swojego kolegi ilst w którym :
1. Opiszesz te wycieczke
2. Opiszesz miłe wydarzenie , które miało miejsce w jej trakcie
3. Wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoje zdanie na temat wyczieczek zorganizowanych .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sue,
I juast got back from a school trip. I've got so much to tell you!
We went to Cracov. We spent three days there. We left my hometown at 4 in the morning. While we were driving there, everybody was asleep. When we got there, we went straight to Wawel. We spent whole day in this castle! It was 7 in the evening when we got to hotel. I was so tired that I went straight to the shower and than to sleep. Teachers woke us up at 7 in the morning. We had breakfast while they told us that we'll spend whole day in shopping mal! It was as they said - we got there about 8 in the morning and left at 9 p.m. I bought many clothes, and gifts for my family. I've also got something for you. But, going back to the topic, when I got to the hotel history repeated - shower, bed and sleping till 7 am. Teachers woke us up, we went to breakfast and aobut 8 am we went to Sukiennice and Rynek. We visited the St. Mary's Chapel and than we had free time. We left Cracov for good at 3 pm.
Although I don't like organised trips too much, I loves this one. Normally it's just visiting museum and there's no free time. But this was really great.
Best Wishes,