Właśnie wróciłeś z otwarcia nowego centrum handlowego w twoim mieście. W emailu do kolegi lub koleżanki:
- napisz, dlaczego zdecydowałeś się tam pójść,
- opisz atrakcje przygotowane dla pierwszych klientów,
- wyraź swoje zdanie na temat nowo otwartego centrum, uzasadniając swoją opinię.
Hello how are you? I'm good, I hope you too
Have you heard that they opened a new mall?
I just came back from it, I must say that it is weak. not many shops expensive prices I do not recommend. The upside, however, were the stalls or the rapper's concert - they were nice attractions. They have delicious food there too, but that's not what the mall is about.
how are you?
I'm good, I hope you too
Have you heard that they opened a new mall?
I just came back from it, I must say that it is weak. not many shops expensive prices I do not recommend. The upside, however, were the stalls or the rapper's concert - they were nice attractions. They have delicious food there too, but that's not what the mall is about.
okay, i'm already done with seeing
(Twoje imię )