WACANA I Many ways of communicating exist that do not utilize language. Cries of warning and aggression, of contentment and affection, are forms of communication not limited to men. Or, on the human level, the dirty look, which may convey words of meaning, does not involve language. Gestures, too, are forms of communication, although these seem always involved with culturally defined habits. The nod of the head means "yes" to the American, but a single ned in the Middle East is a clear "no." Plainly, there are many ways of conveying messages, of which language is bu: the major one for human beings.
1. The topic of the text is A. human level communication B. principal method of communication C. non-language D. different meanings of communication E. various ways of communication
2. which of the following is not included in ways of communication ? A. face showing B. dirty look of an area C. signs of affection D. nod of the head E. habitual gesture
1. E . Various ways of communication —> bisa dilihat wacana tersebut menjabarkan berbagai metode komunikasi mulai dari mimik wajah, gestur dan gerak tubuh. Dan pada kalimat pertama ditekankan bahwa komunikasi tidak hanya sebatas bahasa saja. 2. E. Habitual gesture —> pada kalimat ke-4 ada kata “although” yang menjelaskan bahwa habitual gesture itu di eksklusikan
2. E. Habitual gesture —> pada kalimat ke-4 ada kata “although” yang menjelaskan bahwa habitual gesture itu di eksklusikan