Przeczytaj poniższe teksty a-c . Podkreśl w nich różnymi kolorami fragmenty , które odnoszą się do punktów 1-3
1 Oliver's school . ( czerwony )
2 Oliver's job . ( niebieski )
3 Oliver's manager . ( zielony )
a) I go to chool and Monday afternoons I work in a supermarket . I help people their shopping bags. My job is great and the manager is very nice too.
b) I go to school and I work in a shop . I like my school and teachers . I've got an important exam this year but my test results are bad . I need to talk to the manager of the shop.
c) I go to school and on Mondays I work in a supermarket . My job is great . The manager is very nice. He's my father's friend. When I've got a problem , he helps me.
ćw. 2
Dopasuj teksty a-c z zadania poprzedniego do poniższych pytan 1-3.
Which text as about Olivier's
1. manager ? 2. job? 3.school?
Daje naj.! ; *****
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.manager-tekst c)
2.Job-tekst a)
3.School-tekst b)
Tekst a) na czerwono będzie I go to school,na niebiesko będzie I work in supermarket,I help people their shopping bags,My job is great. Na zielono bedzie the manager is very nice too.
Tekst b) I go to school-czerwony kolor and i work in a shop-niebieski. Cale drugie zdanie w tekscie jest o szkole czyli na czerwono, a trzecie cale na zielono.
Tekst c) I go to school- czerwony I work in a supermarket -niebieski , nastepne zdane "my job is great"-niebieski kolor I reszta od "The manager" do konca na kolor zielony. Mam nadzieje że pomogłem.