W zdaniach 2.1. – 2.5. spośród podanych opcji odpowiedzi (A – C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens wyróżnionego zdania lub jego fragmentu. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
2.1. REMEMBER TO TAKE this coat to the drycleaner’s, please. A. Remember taking B. Don’t forget to take C. Recall taking
2.2. These shoes were REALLY GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY. A. cheaper than I expected. B. worth their price. C. the best quality money could buy.
2.3. I CAN'T AFFORD THIS COAT right now, but I love it. A. I haven’t got the money to buy this coat B. This coat is not worth the price C. I wouldn’t mind buying this coat
2.4. I DIDN'T MANAGE TO GET A LOAN from the bank because I don’t have a steady job. A. I wasn’t allowed to take out a loan B. I wasn’t supposed to take out a loan C. I wasn’t able to take out a loan
2.5. I USUALLY DON'T CARRY MORE THAN £10 ON ME. A. I never have any cash with me. B. I always pay with credit card. C. I usually have less than £10 in my wallet
Wyróżnione zadania lub części zdań są zapisane z dużych liter
2.1. REMEMBER TO TAKE this coat to the drycleaner’s, please.
B. Don’t forget to take
2.2. These shoes were REALLY GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY.
B. worth their price.
2.3. I CAN'T AFFORD THIS COAT right now, but I love it.
A. I haven’t got the money to buy this coat
2.4. I DIDN'T MANAGE TO GET A LOAN from the bank because I don’t have a steady job.
C. I wasn’t able to take out a loan
C. I usually have less than £10 in my wallet