W pierwszej tabeli są takie wyrazy : ashamed, better, confused, fed up, interested, nervous, worried.
W drugiej tabeli są takie wyrazy: about, about, at, by, in, of, with.
Trzeba połączyć wyrazy z pierwszej i drugiej tabeli i dopasować je do zdań.
1) I always get very ...... ...... going on stage- even though I really love performing!
2) I am ...... ...... doing the same thing every day!
3) She is not very ...... ...... cooking!
4) We were ...... ...... the instructions in the exam.
5) Neil is ...... ...... sports than languages.
6) My dog is ill and I am ...... ...... her.
7) Owen is ...... ..... his bad behaviour.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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ashamed of - 7
better at - 5
confused by - 4
fed up with - 2
interested in - 3
nervous about - 1
worried about - 6