September 2018 1 36 Report

W pierwszej tabeli są takie wyrazy : ashamed, better, confused, fed up, interested, nervous, worried.

W drugiej tabeli są takie wyrazy: about, about, at, by, in, of, with.

Trzeba połączyć wyrazy z pierwszej i drugiej tabeli i dopasować je do zdań.

1) I always get very ...... ...... going on stage- even though I really love performing!

2) I am ...... ...... doing the same thing every day!

3) She is not very ...... ...... cooking!

4) We were ...... ...... the instructions in the exam.

5) Neil is ...... ...... sports than languages.

6) My dog is ill and I am ...... ...... her.

7) Owen is ...... ..... his bad behaviour.

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1)Podkreśl pasujące wyrazy.1. Daniel can't/mustn't/doesn't have to go into his brother's room.2. Our teatcher allowed us to/let us/made us go home early last Friday.3.Cab you/Must you/Are you allowed to stay out late at night?4. In the seventies, girls must/had to/were made to wear a skirt for school.5.Tomorrow is the last day to enter the competition, so I can/must/have to finish this painting tonight!6. The coach was angry with the team. He made them/They couldn't/They had to run round the pitch ten times!2) Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami podanymi w nawiasie w odpowiedniej formie.1.I can ride mu cousin's motorbike.(let)My cousin .......... his motorbike.2. I can't have a TV in my bedroom.(allow)I'm .......... have a TV in my bedroom.3. We must take our shoes off before we go into the house.(make)My mum .......... take off our shoes before we go into the house.4.It is my job to wash the car every Saturday morning.(have to)I .......... every Saturday morning.5. Does your mum let you stay out after ten o'clock? (allow)Are .......... stay out after ten o'clock?3) Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami: are allowed, can, don't have to, lets, makes, not allowed to.My aunt and uncle live in Iraklia, which is a small, Greek island in the Meditterranean. They run a small hotel and I usually stay with them during the summer- and it's great! My cousin and I (1).......... to do what we want most of the time. We (2).......... swim in the poll, play table tennis or go to the beach. Sometimes, when it's really busy we hepl in the hotel restaurant. We (3).......... hepl, but it's actuallygood fun. I enjoy making the coffees behind the bar. On Mondays, my aunt doesn't work and we go out fishing on her boat. I'm (4) .......... sail on my own, though. On Tuesdays, my uncle goes to the market and buys fresh fruit and vegetables for the restaurant. He usually (5).......... os go with him, to help carry all the things back to the car. The market also has a lot of stalls that sell jewellery and clothes. Aftet we have done the shopping , my uncle (6).......... us look around the stalls while he goes to the bank or the post office.TO JEST ĆWICZENIA 7,8,9NA STRONIE 53 W ĆWICZENIU ENGLISH EXPLORER 3!!!! Z GÓRY WIELKIE DZIĘKI :)

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