W jednym z obcojezycznych czasopism znalazłes ogłoszenia dotyczace wyjazdu do parku narodowego.napisz list w którym: -dowiesz sie czy oferta jest nadal aktualna i kiedy jest najblizszy termin wyjazdu -dowiesz sie jakim srodkiem transportu bedziecie podrózowac oraz gdzie jest miejsce zbiórki -napiszesz o swoich zainteresowaniach przyrodniczych i zapytasz o mozliwosci wykonania zdjec w parku -zapytasz czy wymagany jest specjalny ubior oraz czy nalezy wykupic dodatkowe ubezpieczenie
I am writing to ask for more information about the trip to a park, which I saw advertised in a foreign newspaper. I am very interesed in the trip, but I would like to ask you for some details.
First of all I would like to know when is the trip planned to be. I need to know the concrete day and time. Secondly I want to know what is going to be our conveiance. Is it a bus or a tram? I also would like you to tell me where is our meeting point taking place? I want you to know, that I'm a big fan of nature. I love trees, flowers and animals. Do you know if it's possible to take pictures in that park? The last thing I'm asking about is about our clothes. What are we supposed to wear? Is it a special gear or just normal clothes which we can choose? I would also like to know if we need to buy an extra insurance.
I am writing to ask for more information about the trip to a park, which I saw advertised in a foreign newspaper. I am very interesed in the trip, but I would like to ask you for some details.
First of all I would like to know when is the trip planned to be. I need to know the concrete day and time. Secondly I want to know what is going to be our conveiance. Is it a bus or a tram? I also would like you to tell me where is our meeting point taking place? I want you to know, that I'm a big fan of nature. I love trees, flowers and animals. Do you know if it's possible to take pictures in that park? The last thing I'm asking about is about our clothes. What are we supposed to wear? Is it a special gear or just normal clothes which we can choose? I would also like to know if we need to buy an extra insurance.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Twoje imię. ;)