W gazecie internetowej przeczytałeś opinie, ze podawanie fałszywych informacji w internecie jest złe i prowadzi do upowszechniania kłamstwa. chcesz wziąść udział w dyskusji na temat kłamstwa. napisz list, w którym: określisz jego cel i opiszesz uczucia, które wywołała w tobie lektura tego arykułu, -opiszesz, z czym się zgadzasz i dalczego, - napiszesz, z czym się nie zgadzasz i dlaczgo, - wyrazisz swoje stanowisko dotyczące kłamaniaw ogóle i uzasadnisz swoją opinię. od 120 do 150 słów!!!! odpisz się jako XYZ
I’m writing to you because I’m interested in joining this discussion. While reading your article I thought about giving the true information. I’ll agree with that people mustn’t say things, that aren’t truth. If information is “spicy”, especially when it comes to celebrities, people are talking about all over Internet and that’s how scandals is born. This is clear. But what about personal data? I think with this one we can’t or even mustn’t tell the truth. They’re a lot of people who can use our names and surnames to, for example, steal things, because this kind of events took place. If you look at this in other way, a lie can save us. If we don’t want to lie about our names, we could use nicknames, that are common. I’m waiting for your opinion.
I’m writing to you because I’m interested in joining this discussion. While reading your article I thought about giving the true information. I’ll agree with that people mustn’t say things, that aren’t truth. If information is “spicy”, especially when it comes to celebrities, people are talking about all over Internet and that’s how scandals is born. This is clear. But what about personal data? I think with this one we can’t or even mustn’t tell the truth. They’re a lot of people who can use our names and surnames to, for example, steal things, because this kind of events took place. If you look at this in other way, a lie can save us. If we don’t want to lie about our names, we could use nicknames, that are common. I’m waiting for your opinion.
licznik słów: 135 słów