W e-maila do kolegi z Anglii , napisz wrażenia z wycieczki . W mailu musi być zawarte : * jak długo trwała wycieczka ( 1 dzień ). * co widziałeś i zwiedziłeś ( byliśmy w Oświęcimiu i następnie w Śląskim wesołym miasteczku). *co wywarło na tobie wrażenie . * zachęć do zwiedzania . * od 50 - 110 słów .
Hello Steve ! Thank you for your last letter , I am very pleased . ' Recently I was on a trip that lasted one day with my class and educator , and I'll tell you (or write as you prefer ) , that was great! First we were in Auschwitz museum , synagogue and generally visited the city. Then we came to the Silesian funfair . Most of the amusement park I liked the rides and slides . Was driving five times! The tour was very successful and would happily return to her thoughts. I hope that soon wilt answer . I greet - (twoje imię )
Thank you for your last letter , I am very pleased . ' Recently I was on a trip that lasted one day with my class and educator , and I'll tell you (or write as you prefer ) , that was great! First we were in Auschwitz museum , synagogue and generally visited the city. Then we came to the Silesian funfair . Most of the amusement park I liked the rides and slides . Was driving five times! The tour was very successful and would happily return to her thoughts. I hope that soon wilt answer .
I greet - (twoje imię )