W czasie wakacji za granicą przebywasz w hotelu.Niestety w twoim pokoju nie działa klimatyzacja.W rozmowie z recepcjonistą: a)poproś o inny pokój, b)odrzuć zaproponowane rozwiązanie, c)zgódż się na kompromis Z góry dzięki:)
Unfortunatly in my room air conditioner break down . Maybe there is another room where air conditioner work correctly? And maybe there is posibility to give another room? Im sorry but I want another room, I dont want to stay in place where something is not working correctly. Im soory but I have to turn down your solution. Ok If you guarantee me lower price for the room I can stay in it.
Im sorry but I want another room, I dont want to stay in place where something is not working correctly. Im soory but I have to turn down your solution.
Ok If you guarantee me lower price for the room I can stay in it.