W czasie pobytu za granicą chcesz podjąć pracę. przeczytałaś ogłoszenie firmy, która poszukuje sprzedawców do sklepu muzycznego. napisz do tej firmy list o długości 120-150-słów -poinformuj dlaczego piszesz i skąd się dowiedziałeś o tej pracy -napisz o swoich umiejętnościach i stopniu znajomości języka angielskiego -wyjaśnij dlaczego uważasz się za dobrego kandydata, podając conajmniej 2 powody -wyraź nadzieję, ze twoje kwalifikcje są wystarczające i poproś o szybką odpowiedź
I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of a shop assistant in the music shop which I found in the latest issue of Gazeta Wyborcza. I believe this position fits my expectations of a perfect job. As far as my qualifications are concerned, I have worked for about 3 years in guitars shop in London, where I have gained a lot of valuable experience. I have been learning English for about 5 years and I hold a certificate. In addition to this, I consider myself punctual and responsible. I also like dealing with musical instruments as I am a musician myself. I think these features make me an ideal candidate for this job. I am ready to attend an interview at any time that is convenient to you. I hope I can expect a reply as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you,
I am writing in response to your job offer concerning the post of a shop assistant in the music shop which I found in the latest issue of Gazeta Wyborcza. I believe this position fits my expectations of a perfect job.
As far as my qualifications are concerned, I have worked for about 3 years in guitars shop in London, where I have gained a lot of valuable experience. I have been learning English for about 5 years and I hold a certificate. In addition to this, I consider myself punctual and responsible. I also like dealing with musical instruments as I am a musician myself. I think these features make me an ideal candidate for this job.
I am ready to attend an interview at any time that is convenient to you. I hope I can expect a reply as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,
158 słów