W czasie pobytu w Londynie u angielskich przyjaciół znalazłeś tymczasowe zatrudnienie jako kelner.Napisz list do kolegi w którym:
-poinformujesz dlaczego jesteś w Londynie i co tam robisz
-opiszesz rodzinę u której się zatrzymałeś i dlaczego ją lubisz
-powiesz jak zwykle spędzasz dni powszednie i weekendy
-powiesz co myślisz o Londynie i dlaczego podoba ci się to miasto
Minimum 120 słów. Proszę o nie kopiowanie z innych stron :)Błagam potrzebne na dziś :(
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear John
How are you? I hope you're very well. I've got so much to tell you that I don't know how to begin.
I'm in London with my British friends because they invited me to his on vacation. At the beginning of touring the city. I saw a lot of historic and interesting things that previously I knew only from pictures. I've bought a lot of local souvenirs.
On Tuesday I found a temporary work in polish restaurant. I will work as a waiter. family in which he stopped to my mother's family: Kate and David. Come from Polish but from ten years live in London. They have a daughter.She name is Nicola . I like them very much because they are cheerfull, polite, and devote a lot of time.on weekdays, I go to work, on the weekends I spend time with friends who show me London.This is a very nice city. There are beautiful sights, interesting people, and life looks completely different than in Poland.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Lots of love,