Ćw. Click On 2 !
Use the prompts to complete the exchanges .
- My mum help me
- Go to a restaurant
- have a cup of coffe
- stay home
- take it to the garage
- buy a pair of jeans
- go to bed early
1-A: Did Sam watch TV last night ?
B: No , he didn't . He went to bed early .
2-A; Did you and Jane cook diner last night ?
B; No, . . . .
3_A;Dod ha fix the car himself ?
B: No, . . .
4- A: Did she buy a dress ?
B:No, . .. .
5 - A:Did you have a tea with your breakfast ?
B; No , . . .
6- A: Did your sister go to the cinema ?
B; No , . . .
&- Did you cook all this food youself ?
B; No , . . ..
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2.No, we didn't. We went to the restaurant.
3.No, he didn't. He took it to the garage.
4.No, she didn't. She bought a pair of jeans.
5.No, I didn't. I had a cup of coffee.
6.No, she didn't. She stayed home.
7.No, I didn't. My mum helped me.
1-A: Did Sam watch TV last night ?
B: No , he didn't . He went to bed early .
2-A; Did you and Jane cook diner last night ?
B; No, we didn't. We went to a restaurant.
3_A;Did he fix the car himself ?
B: No, he didn't. He took it to the garage.
4- A: Did she buy a dress ?
B:No, she didn't. She bought a pair of jeans.
5 - A:Did you have a tea with your breakfast ?
B; No, I didn't. I had a a cup of coffe.
6- A: Did your sister go to the cinema ?
B; No, she didn't. She stayed at home.
&- Did you cook all this food youself ?
B; No, I didn't. My mum help me