W anglojęzycznym magazynie przeczytAłes artykuł krytykujący niezdrowy tryb zycia nastolatków.Napisz list do redakcji magazynu:
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opisz tryb zycia polskich nastolatków i określ swojestanowisko
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120-150 słow, list ofichalny. Nie musi byc cały, moga byc jakies fragmenty. Dzieki!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madam,
I am Eveline and I am writing to you about your article about teenagers' unhealthy lifestyle. It was a really good article and I agree with your opinion. In these days it is an important problem.
I think that polish teenagers eat a lot of fast foods, sweets and sometimes forget about eating. They are sitting for days in school and when it comes back they prefer to sit at the computer rather than go outside with friend rarely. They are thinking about parties at the weekends. They are too lazy for sports, too. I think that they should change their lives because in a few years they will have problems with many diseases, like epilepsy or being overweight.
I am really glad that more and more people want to write about it. Congratulations on your good article. I would feel good if you could show my letter in your magazine.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,