W angielskojęzycznej gazecie przeczytałaś artykuł, którego autor opowiada się za zakazem ruchu prywatnych samochodów w centrach dużych miast. Napisz list do redakcji przedstawiający Twoje zdanie na ten temat: -powołaj się na przeczytany artykuł,określając jego temat i datę publikacji. -przypomnij opinię wyrażoną przez autora i sformułuj Twoje zdanie. -podaj 2argumenty na poparcie swego zdania. -poproś o umieszczenie swojego listu i wyraź zainteresowanie opiniami innych czytelników.
od120do150słów na poniedziałek...proszę ratujcie daje naj...
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my opinion abaut your article. It appeared in the weekend edition of the newspaper and I read it with a great interest. In htis article the writer daimed that cars should not be alloved to drive in the centres of big cities. Firstly there are big traffic jams during peak kours, which cause difficulties in the daily life. secondly, it causes the increase im pollution, ehich cause damage to the envirinment and has a large impact on people, plants and animals. the city becomes uglier, and less friendly to human. I think Iam not the only who thinks it is a crazy idea that cars could drive in the centres of cities. Musisz sama dokonczyc ostatnia kropeczke.
I am writing to express my opinion abaut your article. It appeared in the weekend edition of the newspaper and I read it with a great interest. In htis article the writer daimed that cars should not be alloved to drive in the centres of big cities.
Firstly there are big traffic jams during peak kours, which cause difficulties in the daily life.
secondly, it causes the increase im pollution, ehich cause damage to the envirinment and has a large impact on people, plants and animals. the city becomes uglier, and less friendly to human.
I think Iam not the only who thinks it is a crazy idea that cars could drive in the centres of cities.
Musisz sama dokonczyc ostatnia kropeczke.