W angielskojęzycznej gazecie przeczytałaś artykuł, którego autor opowiada się za zakazem ruchu prywatnych samochodów w centrach dużych miast. Napisz list do redakcji przedstawiający Twoje zdanie na ten temat: -powołaj się na przeczytany artykuł,określając jego temat i datę publikacji. -przypomnij opinię wyrażoną przez autora i sformułuj Twoje zdanie. -podaj 2argumenty na poparcie swego zdania. -poproś o umieszczenie swojego listu i wyraź zainteresowanie opiniami innych czytelników.
od120do150słów na poniedziałek...proszę ratujcie daje naj...
I am writing in connection with the aticle about cars in the city centres, which appeared in your paper on 10th september. The author recommends to ban cars from city centres as big cities are facing serious peoblems related to cars. I could not agree more with this view because I belive a serious step like this one must be taken to minimise these problems. Firstly, fuels emitted by engines are harmful to our health and have a bad impact on the atmosphere. Secondly, cars are one of the reasons of traffic jams and a great amount of them in streets couse accidents, not to mention noise. That is why I agree that using cars should be prohibited in city centres. I would be very grateful if you could print my letter. I wonder what other readers think about this issue.
I am writing in connection with the aticle about cars in the city centres, which appeared in your paper on 10th september.
The author recommends to ban cars from city centres as big cities are facing serious peoblems related to cars. I could not agree more with this view because I belive a serious step like this one must be taken to minimise these problems.
Firstly, fuels emitted by engines are harmful to our health and have a bad impact on the atmosphere. Secondly, cars are one of the reasons of traffic jams and a great amount of them in streets couse accidents, not to mention noise. That is why I agree that using cars should be prohibited in city centres.
I would be very grateful if you could print my letter. I wonder what other readers think about this issue.
Yours faithfully,