Weekend is my favorite part of week. In this one, I traveled a lot. I was in Spain, in Barcelona. There, becose I like FC Barcelona. I saw a lot of footballers. I played football with Messi and Henry! It was fantastic! They're are my new friends from Spain. I have a lot of things, balls, T-shirts, and others. This weekend was my favorite weekend in my live.
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W sobotę byłem z kolegami w kinie. Oglądaliśmy film pt.:"Avatar". Po skończonym seansie poszliśmy jeszcze do baru, aby zjeść obiad. Pod wieczór poszedłem jeszcze z rodzicami na basen. W niedzielę - jak co tydzień - byłem z rodziną w kościele. Po mszy zjedliśmy obiad i pojechaliśmy do cioci, ponieważ miała urodziny. Po za drogą wstąpiliśmy do sklepu, aby kupić jej prezent. Gdy impreza się skończyła wróciliśmy do domu. Wieczorem poszedłem na spacer z moim psem Pimpusiem. Weekend był bardzo udany!!!
On Saturday I was with my colleagues in the cinema. Watching movie Fri.:"Avatar". After finishing a screening I went to the bar to eat dinner. In the evening I went back to the parents of the pool. On Sunday - as every week - I was with my family in the church. After Mass we had lunch and drove the aunt, because she had a birthday. After the way we stopped to shop, to buy her a gift. When the event was over we went home. In the evening I went for a walk with my dog Pimpusiem. Weekend was very successful!!!
On Saturday I was with my colleagues in the cinema. Watching movie Fri.:"Avatar". After finishing a screening I went to the bar to eat dinner. In the evening I went back to the parents of the pool. On Sunday - as every week - I was with my family in the church. After Mass we had lunch and drove the aunt, because she had a birthday. After the way we stopped to shop, to buy her a gift. When the event was over we went home. In the evening I went for a walk with my dog Pimpusiem. Weekend was very successful!!!
Mieliśmy to samo tylko, że na j.polskim ;))
Mam nadzieję że będzie najj ;))