Verb 3 dari kata fail, believe, know, makes, dan pushing apa?
Fail is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, Belief a psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. Know is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something. Make (magazine), a DIWO (Do It With Others) technology periodical and the associated television program ( example ). push is an applied force typically intended to drive or impel.
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Ditambahin pada bagian paling belakang kata nya huruf D terus apa lagi ya...bentar yaa di liat dulu bukunya...
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iya...bener tuh yang udah jawab...terus belakangnya juga ditambahin D kalo sudah selesai nya...ya udah deh...,maaf kalo ga ngerti
Belief a psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.
Know is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something.
Make (magazine), a DIWO (Do It With Others) technology periodical and the associated television program ( example ).
push is an applied force typically intended to drive or impel.