Vani: How about the cat? It is very cute, isn't it?
Alex: It is. But-caring cat is expensive. We do not enough money to care it. I think we should care animal for consuming. What do you think ofit?
Vani: Well, you are right. We must do useful activity to earn money in this pandemic situation. I think chicken is the best choice. It is simple and cheap. We will get
meat and egg
28. What are they talking about?
29. Why does Vani choose to care the chicken than the cat?
28. about saving up money
29. because taking care a cat is more expensive
30. kalimat yg digaris bahawi yang mana
28. They talking about taking care a pet / they talking about pet
29. Because it's simple and cheap to take care a chicken than cats. and they will get meat and egg too
30. Yang mana kak?
Semoga membantu, maaf yang nomer 30 saya nda bisa jawab karena tidak ada tulisan underlinenya . .