Uzupełnij zdania,używając will lub won't i odpowiednich czasowników z ramki: give help look lend do lose
1. A: Oh look, it's raning. I'll lend you my umberella B:Thank you. I won' lose it. 2 A:This box is very heavy B: OK. I ________ you with it. 3. A: I need some money. B: Don't worry I_____ you some 4. A:Can I use your office tomorrow? B: OK. I________ you the keys this evening 5. A: Thansk for having the cat while I'm on holiday. B: That's all right . We ______ after her. She'll be fine. 6 A: I'm tired B: Don't worry. I________ the washing-up
3 won't
4 won't
5 will
6 will
3. Will lend
4. Will give
5. Will look
6. Will do