a thriller
a musical
a western
a sci fi film
a romcom
a comedy
a horror
a cartoon
I like films with a happy ending especially ..............s,where there is a wedding at the end
My favourite films are .................s.They are so exciting and full of action
I love old films especially....................s - black and white films about cowboys in America
War of the Worlds is a ..................... film.It s about the future.
What kind of films do you like best?
What kind of films don t you like?
Who is you favourite actor?
How often do you watch films at the cinema?
How often do you watch films on TV?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I like films with a happy ending especiallya romcoms, where there is a wedding at the end.
My favourite films are musicals. They are so exciting and full of action.
I love old films especially westerns- black and white films about cowboys in America.
War of the Worlds is a sci-fi film. It s about the future.
I like horror films.
I don't like thriller films.
My favourite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio.
I go to the cinema 4 a month.
I never watch films in tv.