December 2018 1 25 Report
Uzupełnij zdania uzywajac wyrazów z ramki:
lucky superstition superstitious fear

1.My little sister has a .... of the dark so she sleeps with the light on
2. Many sports stars wre very....... about the clothes they wear
3.I've got a.........: I always use the same pen in my exams

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Przeczytaj tekst i dokoncz zdanie. zaznacz znakiem(ptaszek) odpowiedz a,b lub c a) the fact that many sports stars have lots of good luck. b)the beliefs that sports stars have about what will give them good or bad luck c) the fact that successful sports peeople are more superstiotious than other people If you think about famous sports stars, you'll see that they sometimes wear special clothes for important matches. For example, the American golfer Tiger Woods always wears red and black clothes for the last game of a tournament. Why do people do this? They're superstitious, of course. Some players have the fear that if they don't wear their 'lucky' clothes, they won't be so successful.Many footballers are famous for their superstitions. Spanish star Fernando Torres believes the number three will bring him good fortune. Before a match he always puts out three football shirts and three pairs of shorts, socks and boots. He doesn't wear all three while he is playing, however!Superstitions are important in tennis too. When the Croatian tennis champion Goran Ivanisevic played at Wimbledon he always ate the same dinner at the same restaurant every night, and finished the meal with ice cream. And when American tennis star Serena Williams plays in a tournament, she always uses the same shower. She's also got three or four lucky dresses.What do you think? Will special clothes or rituals bring luck and prosperity? If your favourite team puts on lucky shorts, will they definitely win, or is it just a superstition? !!!!PROSZĘ POMOCY! POTRZEBUJĘ TO NA JUTRO PONIEWAŻ MOJA SKZOLA ODRABIA ZAJĘCIA I JUTRO MAM ANGIELSKI!!!!!

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