Uzupełnij zdania używając podanych wyrazów.
1.We_____around the streets looking at the lovely houses.
2.Be careful when you drive at night.The roads can be very____this time of year.
3.Look at the____sky.Do you think it's going to rain?
4.The tourists_____sight-seeing the moment they arrived in london.
5.He lit some candles and played some music.It was so _____
6.Are we going to fly _____ to Australia or are we going to stop somewhere else before that?
7.It's so____ outsite. The drivers can't see the road.
8.I hate the short days in winter and all the rain. It's so ____.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. walked
3. cloudy
4. went
5. romntic
6. direct
7. foggy
8. depressing
A dlaczego właściwie nie spróbujesz sam - to nietrudne i nie jesteś przecież początkujący.