December 2018 1 10 Report
Uzupełnij zdania słowami podanymi w ramce i przetłumacz na polski ( athletes , champion , crowd , capitan , fans , physiotherapist , opponent , coach , trainer , professional , goalkeeper , commentator )
1. A team .......... is a player who also leads the team when they are actually playing a game .
2. Sebastien Loeb is the only rally driver who has been a world ...... nine times in a row .
3. When the team scored a second goal, all the ....... startedsining the team's song .
4.The ..... helped the famous football player to recover from his leg injury quickly and return to playing .
5. Our team ....... said that we have to attend early morning practice or else he won't let us play in games.
6. She hit the ball so hard that her ........ didn't have time to run and hit it back .
7. Before every game ............ do some warm-up exercises in order to prevent a possible injury .
8. A .......... of people was waiting patiently to buy tickets for the final game of the Champions League .
9. He is probably the worst .......... ever, as he was constanty making mistakes with the footballer's names .
10. To become a(n) ........ an athlete requires not only talent but also daily training .
11. The ....... made some amazing saves that helped his team win this important match .
12. An athletic .......... helps to improve an athlete's physical fitness.
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