Uzupełnij zdania określeniami z ramki. Zmień formę wpisywanych sformułowań tam, gdzie to konieczne.
Tu są te zwroty z ramki: plan, space, get used, move to, for away from, dream of, come true
1. My best friend is ________ ________ another city, and I'm quite upset about it. 2. I'd like to live in ________ flat overlooking the sea. 3. I live _______ _______ ________ the city centre, which is a shame! 4. I hope your dreams ________ ________ one day. 5. I ________ ________ living in a three-bedroom flat in the suburbs of the city. 6. I'll have to ________ ________ to my new lifestyle. 7. I ________ ________ to have a housewarming party next weekend.
Dzięki :)
1. moving to 2. space 3. for away city 4. come true 5. dream of 6. get used 7. am planning
2. space
3. for away city
4. come true
5. dream of
6. get used
7. am planning