November 2018 1 31 Report

Uzupełnij zdania: a few, few, many, much, a little, little
Potrzebuje na dziś Jeś ktoś by się pofatygował bylbym wdzięczny. Zgóry dzięki;)

1. Can I talk to you later? I' ve got very ... .. time clean my room before the guest come.
2. How.......... chairs do we need to put in the room for the party?
3. She is very shy and doesn't say ....... .

4. We were schoked that so ............ students came to our disco. the hall was almost empty.

5. The city is nice but in my opinion there's too ........... traffic and too ........ traffic jams.
6. We're leaving on holiday in ........... days. I'm already excited about that.
7. You spend too................ time on your English and that's why you haven't got .............

8. We last visited Uncle Patrick ........... years ago when I was ............ boy.4 or 5 years old.

9.Why are uoy typing so fast? You're making too .........mistakes.

10. We were lost deep in the forest, with very .......... food left and our situation seemed hopeless

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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