October 2018 1 686 Report

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When I was d..... to a meeting in Glasgow yesterday, I saw a man at the side of the road. He had a big r........ on his back and he was h....... It was raining so I stopped to give him a l........ Then things started to go wrong. First, I got stuck in a traffic j....., and then I got a f..... tyre. My p.... helped me put on the spare tyre and we s.... off again. Five minutes later, I stopped at a red l.... and the engine stopped. I thought the car had broken d..... , but the hitchiker said it had probably just r..... out of petrol. Fortunately, there was a petrol s.......nearby so a few minutes later we were o....... our way again. I was afraid I was going to be late so I started driving too fast - at least 20 miles over the s...... limit. Then at a j..... I didn't notice the G...... Way sign and I almost ran o.... a p..... on a zebra c..... I lost control of the car, went across a bike l...... , onto the p..... and c.... into a tree. Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the a..... . But then the hitchhiker gave me a piece of paper. It was a £50 f.... for s.... and reckless driving. He was an off-duty policeman.

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