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My wife, Chloe, and I 1 celebrated (celebrate) our tenth wedding anniversary last year and we 2 had (have) a holiday in Mexico. We 3 booked (book) our flights online and 4 found (find) a hotel on a Mexican tourism website. We 5 left (leave) the UK at 2 p.m. and 6 arrived (arrive) in Mexico 12 hours later. Chloe speaks Spanish, so she 7 asked (ask) a taxi driver to take us to our hotel. When we 8 got (get) to the hotel, we 9 carried (carry) our bags into the hotel lobby and the receptionist 10 gave (give) us the key to our room. We were hungry, so she 11 told (tell) us where to find a good restaurant. We 12 staed (stay) in Mexico for two weeks. There 13 were (be) a beautiful beach near the hotel and we 14 gave (go) there every day. In the evening we 15 returnad (return) to the hotel for dinner, then we 16 walked (walk) around the town. We really 17 enjoyed (enjoy) our holiday and we 18 saw (see) lots of interesting things. I would love to go back there one day.