Uzupełnij tekst o Shelley. Wykorzystaj poniższe informacje.
Home:Swansea in Wales, parents, one sister,plat
Weather:often cool an rainy
Language:Welsh at home and at school
Favourite food:chocolate
Favourite sports:tennis and swimming
Shelley lives in Swansea in Wales.She lives
with her _______________ in a _____________________ on a small road.
Swansea is by the sea. The weather is ___________________.
There are two official languages in Wales: English and Welsh.
Shelley speaks _____________________. Shelley's favourite food is ________________.Her favourite _______________________________.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Uzupełnij tekst o Shelley. Wykorzystaj poniższe informacje.
Home:Swansea in Wales, parents, one sister, plat
Weather:often cool an rainy
Language:Welsh at home and at school
Favourite food:chocolate
Favourite sports:tennis and swimming
Shelley lives in Swansea in Wales. She lives with her parents and one sister in a plat on a small road. Swansea is by the sea. The weather is often cool and rainy. There are two official languages in Wales: English and Welsh.
Shelley speaks Welsh at home and at school. Shelley's favourite food is cholocolate. Her favourite sports are tennis and swimming.
... with her parents and sister in a plat
the weather is often cool and rainy
Shelley speaks Welsch at home and at school
.. food is chocolate.
Her favourite sports are swimming and tennis