Uzupełnij poniższe wypowiedzi odpowiednimi czasownikami z ramki,użytymi w formie twierdącej lub przeczącej
EXAMPLE-------> I guess I LOST my glasses WHEN to the park in the morning ... (DRUKOWANE LITERY TO DPASOWANE WYRAZY)
1.No,she ____ in when you called.But she ____a message. 2.I know I'm late but I _____ at all.In fact I ______erailer than usual,but them I ______ my wallet had to go back home to get it and _____ the 7.15 bus 3.Oh,well,we ______the contert too much.He only ____new song and we really ______to hear the old hits.... 4.You can't be serious!Of course I ____noothing to do with it all ! Dam najj :3
No, she wasn't in when you called. But she left a message. I know I'm late but I didn't oversleep at all. In fact I woke up earlier than usual, but then I forgot my wallet and had to go back home to get it and missed the 7:15 bus. Oh well, we didn't enjoy the concert too much. He only sang new song and we really wanted to hear the old hits... You can't be serious! Of course I had nothing to do with it all!
I know I'm late but I didn't oversleep at all. In fact I woke up earlier than usual, but then I forgot my wallet and had to go back home to get it and missed the 7:15 bus.
Oh well, we didn't enjoy the concert too much. He only sang new song and we really wanted to hear the old hits...
You can't be serious! Of course I had nothing to do with it all!