October 2018 1 34 Report
Uzupełnij opowiadanie, wpisując po jednym wyrazie w każdą lukę. Pierwsza litera każdego słowa została podana. The rise and fall and rise of Cynthia Smith When Cynthia left university, she found a well- job in an investment bank. She worked very and never complained when her boss asked her to overtime. In fact, she her job so well that soon she was to a more senior position. She got a pay and a big at the end of every year. Even though it was stressful and she had to work very long , Cynthia enjoyed her job and almost never took any off. She got well with her colleagues and felt she was really of a team. Unfortunately, the company bankrupt and Cynthia was made . She started lookinganother job, but because of the economic there was highand it wasn't easy to find work. Eventually, she a job in a factory. The career were non-existent and the conditions were terrible (only £4 hour), but it was better than being of work. One day all the workers went on for higher wages. Their employer was furious: heeveryone and closed the factory. Cynthia was again. What could she do to earn a now? She decided it would be better to run her ownthan to work for someone else, so she became self- . Now, she works from home giving financial advice on the Internet. She doesn't as much as she did at the bank, but she's happy because now she can take a day work whenever she wants to. And she knows her employer will never her the sack.
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