uzupełnij dwa dialogi zdaniami z ramki
dialog 1
A; Hello,how can I help you ?
A; Yes we have . What sot of health problem ?
A; Well there's a good website. The adress is
A No problem
dialog 2
B;Hi I'd like to find about work
B;Well a Saturday job for now.I'm at school durning the week
B;Thanks that;s greay
wyrazenia z ramki
- Id like to find out about ance
- There 's OK.Just ask if you need anything else
- Here 's a leaflet with a list of jab websistes they include Saturday jobs
- Helle how can I help?
- Ok what sort of work are you looking for?
- Have you got any information about health problems?
- Great thanks a lot
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A; Hello,how can I help you ?
B. - Have you got any information about health problems?
A; Yes we have . What sot of health problem ?
B: - Id like to find out about ance(?)
A; Well there's a good website. The address is
B;. - Great thanks a lot
A No problem
dialog 2
A;- Hello how can I help?
B;Hi I'd like to find about work
A. - Ok what sort of work are you looking for?
B;Well a Saturday job for now.I'm at school during the week
A. - Here 's a leaflet with a list of jab websites they include Saturday jobs
B;Thanks that's great
B. - There 's OK. Just ask if you need anything else
A; Hello,how can I help you ?
B. - Have you got any information about health problems?
A; Yes we have . What sot of health problem ?
B: - Id like to find out about ance(?)
A; Well there's a good website. The address is
B;. - Great thanks a lot
A No problem
dialog 2
A;- Hello how can I help?
B;Hi I'd like to find about work
A. - Ok what sort of work are you looking for?
B;Well a Saturday job for now.I'm at school during the week
A. - Here 's a leaflet with a list of jab websites they include Saturday jobs
B;Thanks that's great
B. - There 's OK. Just ask if you need anything else