June 2022 1 14 Report
Uzupełnij dialogi czasownikami w poprawnej formie:
1. A: What ...............(happen) if I told them the truth?
B: They would be astonished if they ................... (find) out that you were a secret agent. 2. A: I'm going to sell my car next year.
B: Well, if you ............ (do) it this year, you will get a better price.
3. A: What would Brenda tell if we ................ (move) her office downstairs?
B: I'm certain she ................ (not be) too happyif we did that.
4. A: Is the anim al angerous?
B: Sure it is. It .............. (bite) your hand off if only it could.
5. A: Will George help us on Friday?
B: He will certainy do it if he ............. ( take) the day off.
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