Uzupełni i przetłumacz. I'll never forget the first time I was close to a wild animal.It happenned when I was ___. I was on a survival camp with my ___ on Vancouver Island in Canada. It was a fine night and I was sleeping in the open by the fire. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night. The stars were really beautiful and I felt so ___. But what woke me? Then I saw a dark shape. Something was sitting by the fire, only a metre away from me. It was a wolf! I was really___- in the fact I was terrified. I was alone in the forest with a wolf! Then the wolf stood up and slowly walked away . I couldn't believe it! And I couldn't go back to sleep. In the morning I was very ___. But when I told my friends about the wolf, they didn't believe me. Z góry bardzo bardzo bardzo dziękuje !!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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13/friends/good/scarrying/tired (tym uzupełnij po kolei każdą lukę)
I'll never forget the first time I was close to a wild animal.It happenned when I was twelve. I was on a survival camp with my friends on Vancouver Island in Canada. It was a fine night and I was sleeping in the open by the fire. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night. The stars were really beautiful and I felt so great. But what woke me? Then I saw a dark shape. Something was sitting by the fire, only a metre away from me. It was a wolf! I was really shocking- in the fact I was terrified. I was alone in the forest with a wolf! Then the wolf stood up and slowly walked away . I couldn't believe it! And I couldn't go back to sleep. In the morning I was very tired. But when I told my friends about the wolf, they didn't believe me.
Nigdy nie zapomnę, gdy pierwszy raz byłem/am tak blisko dzikich zwierząt. Stało się to, gdy miałem/am 12 lat. Byłem/am na obozie przetrwania z moją rodziną w Vancouver, w Kanadzie. To była przyjemna noc i spałem/am pod gołym niebem przy ognisku. Nagle obudziłem się w środku nocy. Gwiazdy były naprawdę piękne, poczułem się świetnie. Ale co mnie obudziło? Wtedy zobaczyłem ciemny kształt. Coś siedziało przy ognisku, jedynie metr ode mnie. To był wilk ! To było szokujące. Byłem przerażony. Byłem sam w lesie z wilkiem! Wtedy wilk wstał i powoli odszedł. Nie mogłem w to uwierzyć. I nie mogłem ponownie iść spać. Rano byłem bardzo zmęczony. Wtedy opowiedziałem przyjaciołom o wilku, ale nie uwierzyli mi.