Użyj : It's something It's for ~ing (e.g it's for eating) You use it to ...+ infitive - flower -tree -sky -watch -fridge -watch(oglądać) - finger -heart - book -sock
np. Vase- It's for putting flowers in. Fork- You use it to eat meat
- flower - It's for enjoying - tree - People use it for making paper - sky - It's for watching stars - watch - You use it to know what time it is - fridge - You use it for keeping food - finger- You use it for wearing a ring - heart - It's for living - book- You use it for reading stories - sock- You use it for warming your feet
- tree - People use it for making paper
- sky - It's for watching stars
- watch - You use it to know what time it is
- fridge - You use it for keeping food
- finger- You use it for wearing a ring
- heart - It's for living
- book- You use it for reading stories
- sock- You use it for warming your feet