Użyj czasu: Past Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect Continous lub Past Continuous.
Mr Brown's troubles (1. zaczęły się- begin) after he (2. przerowadził się- move) into a lovely house he (3. marzył- dream) about all his life. His new neighbours (4. nie ufali- trust) him at all. Maybe it was because they (5. nie wiedzieli- know)
he (6. odziedziczył- inherit) a large sum of money and (7. uważali- consider) it very suspicious that he (8. wydawał- spend) mora than anybody else around. Eventually they (9. postanowili- decide) to share their suspicions with the police. They (10. nie zrobili- do) so yet when one day Mr Brown was seen convered with what (11. wyglądało- look) like blood. He later (12. powiedział- say) it was red paint as he (13. malował- paint) the garden shed. At that point, however, it was too late to change the neighbours' attitude towards him. They (14. już zaczęli- already, start) to panic.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. began
2. had moved
3. dreamed
4. didn't thrust
5. didn't know
6. inherited
7. considered
8. spent
9. decided
10. haven't do
11. looked
12. said
13. was painting
14. had already started
Mr Brown's troubles HAVE BEGUN after he MOVED into a lovely house he DREAMED about all his life. His new neighbours DIDN'T TRUST him at all. Maybe it was because they DIDN'T KNOW he INHERITED a large sum of money and CONSIDERED it very suspicious that he SPENT more than anybody else around. Eventually they DECIDED to share their suspicions with the police. They HADN'T DONE so yet when one day Mr Brown was seen convered with what LOOKED like blood. He later SAID it was red paint as he WAS PAINTING the garden shed. At that point, however, it was too late to change the neighbours' attitude towards him. They HAVE ALREADY STARTED to panic.