Uważasz że zasady panujące w twoim domu są niesprawiedliwe, i chcesz się swoją opinią podzielić z kolegą z Anglii. Napisz do niego list.
- Podziękuj mu za list i wyjaśnij , dlazego piszesz.
- Wymień, czego nie wolno ci robić i wyjaśnij dlaczego.
- Napisz, czego nie możesz robić, a co mogą twoi koledzy, i jak się czujesz w tej sytuacj.
-Wytłumacz dlaczego narzekasz i poproś o radę.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Peter,
Thank you for your last letter. I write to you because I want to tell you about my unfair rules at home.
In my home I can't listen to music so loud, I can't play on computer more than 1 hours, I can't play in football, i have to tidy my room and I can't eat food in front TV. My mother said that this is for clean and for my health.
My friend can do this things. They play on computer every time and what is gmore they invite their friends and they do it together. Eating food in front TV is a normal things in their life. They can do what they want.
I complein becouse a I want more freedom. My parents for me are strange. I know that they want the best for me but I am young and for somebody like me this what i want is normal. Please give me advice what can i do?
with best wishes