1. Lather vigorously: To create a frothy foam, especially when washing with soap or shampoo, with strong and rapid movements.
2. Pump: A device or mechanism used to move or force liquid, gas, or air from one place to another, often by mechanical means.
3. Thoroughly: Completely and with great attention to detail, leaving no part untouched or no aspect unexamined.
4. Redness: The quality or state of being red, often referring to a reddish color or flushed appearance, typically on the skin.
5. Flush: To cleanse or wash out, often by pouring or forcing a liquid through to remove impurities or substances.
6. Swallowed: Past tense of "swallow," which means to pass something from the mouth to the stomach, typically referring to the action of consuming food or drink.
7. Rinse: To clean or wash something, typically with water, to remove residue, dirt, or soap.
8. Avoid: To keep away from or refrain from engaging in something, often to prevent harm or negative consequences.
9. Irritation: The state of being annoyed, disturbed, or experiencing discomfort, often caused by something that causes annoyance or discomfort.
10. Recommended: Suggested or advised as a course of action or choice, often based on expertise or authority.
11. Repeat use: The act of using something more than once, implying a cycle or continuation of use.
12. Expiration: The end of a period of validity, such as the end of the shelf life of a product or the end of a contract or agreement.
1. Lather vigorously: To create a frothy foam, especially when washing with soap or shampoo, with strong and rapid movements.
2. Pump: A device or mechanism used to move or force liquid, gas, or air from one place to another, often by mechanical means.
3. Thoroughly: Completely and with great attention to detail, leaving no part untouched or no aspect unexamined.
4. Redness: The quality or state of being red, often referring to a reddish color or flushed appearance, typically on the skin.
5. Flush: To cleanse or wash out, often by pouring or forcing a liquid through to remove impurities or substances.
6. Swallowed: Past tense of "swallow," which means to pass something from the mouth to the stomach, typically referring to the action of consuming food or drink.
7. Rinse: To clean or wash something, typically with water, to remove residue, dirt, or soap.
8. Avoid: To keep away from or refrain from engaging in something, often to prevent harm or negative consequences.
9. Irritation: The state of being annoyed, disturbed, or experiencing discomfort, often caused by something that causes annoyance or discomfort.
10. Recommended: Suggested or advised as a course of action or choice, often based on expertise or authority.
11. Repeat use: The act of using something more than once, implying a cycle or continuation of use.
12. Expiration: The end of a period of validity, such as the end of the shelf life of a product or the end of a contract or agreement.