Uprawisz reguralnie jakiś sport. Napisz do kolegi z Edynburga e-mail po angielsku, w którym: - poinformujesz go, z jaką częstotliwością odbywasz treningi, - opiszesz rodzaj sprzętu sportowego, którego używasz, - zapytasz jakie dyscypliny sportowe są popularne wśród szkockiej młodzieży. DAJE NAJ!!! Potrzebuje to na jutro!
RoadsterHi Cody, I'm writing to talk about sports. I like cycling and playing basketball. I cycle every day for at least an hour and play basketball on almost every PE class. My parents have bought me a reliable bicycle which makes every ride on it really enjoyable. It has got a comfortable seat and handles and even amortization. Anyway, I'm curious what sports are popular in Scotland. What do Scottish teenagers do to keep fit or just for fun? Most importantly, what do you do? I'm looking forward to your reply. Take care, XYZ
I'm writing to talk about sports. I like cycling and playing basketball. I cycle every day for at least an hour and play basketball on almost every PE class. My parents have bought me a reliable bicycle which makes every ride on it really enjoyable. It has got a comfortable seat and handles and even amortization. Anyway, I'm curious what sports are popular in Scotland. What do Scottish teenagers do to keep fit or just for fun? Most importantly, what do you do? I'm looking forward to your reply.
Take care,