UP BEAT I -GIMNAZJUM KL.I-ćwiczenia ćw.2str102 Utwórz przeczenia podanych zdań z pełną i skróconą formą czasownika 1.I'm Russian. 2.He's from France. 3.You're my sister. 4.It's a cool club. 5.I'm 17. 6.Anna's the Club Leander. 7 .Paolo's Italian. 8.You're from Argentina
LONG FORM SHORT FORM 1.I am not Russian. I'm not Russian. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
2.He is not from France. / He isn't from France 3.You are not my sister. / You aren't my sister. 4.It is not a cool club. / It isn't a cool club. 5.I am not 17. brak krótkiej formy 6.Anna is not the Club Leander. / Anna isn't the Club Leander. 7 .Paolo is not Italian. / Paolo isn't Italian. 8.You are not from Argentina / You aren't from Argentina
3.You are not my sister. / You aren't my sister.
4.It is not a cool club. / It isn't a cool club.
5.I am not 17. brak krótkiej formy
6.Anna is not the Club Leander. / Anna isn't the Club Leander.
7 .Paolo is not Italian. / Paolo isn't Italian.
8.You are not from Argentina / You aren't from Argentina