II 2.where/ Jurassic Park 3.which/titanic 4.who/ The Bourne Supermacy 5.which/King Kong 6.which/Godzilla 7.where/Beverly Hills Cop 8.where/Madagaskar 9.which/ Finding Nemo III 2.he goes a museum where he gets a job. 3. They are three old men who work in the museum 4. they give ben some instruction which tell him what to do at night. 5.There are lots of people in the museum who all come to life at night 6. there is something magic in the museum which the old man want to steal it. 7.......... IV 9,7,5,3,1,2,10,4,8,6
15 votes Thanks 35
w 7 jest Ben makes friends with people who help him stop the criminals . :) :) tak mi sie zdaje :)
2.where/ Jurassic Park
4.who/ The Bourne Supermacy
5.which/King Kong
7.where/Beverly Hills Cop
9.which/ Finding Nemo
2.he goes a museum where he gets a job.
3. They are three old men who work in the museum
4. they give ben some instruction which tell him what to do at night.
5.There are lots of people in the museum who all come to life at night
6. there is something magic in the museum which the old man want to steal it.