Ułożyłby mi ktoś dialog o wakacjach na wzór dialogu z podręczka ? :
Ann:Hi,bill .Good to see you. How was your holiday.
Bill:It was fantastic.I had a wonderful time.
Ann:Where did you go?
Bill:I went to Mallorca .
Ann:Wow!Where did you stay.?
Bill:At a five -star hotel by the sea.
Ann:Lucky you!What was the weather like ?
Bill:Marvellous.We spent all day on the beach.Then in the evenings we went dancing.
Ann:Did you take many photos?
Bill:Yes.Would you like to see them?
Ann:I'd love to.I'll pop by this afternoon.
Bill:Ok!See you later.
to ma być niby o moich wakacjach nad morzem. Może byc dłuższy, coś dodatkowego, proosze, pomóżciee.....
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Po angielsku:
Barry: Hi Anne! How was your vacation?
Anna: Hi Barry! It was wonderful!
Barry: Yeah? And where have you been?
Anne: I went with my parents to the sea.
Barry: That's fantastic. What had the weather?
Anne: For the first four days of rain, but in the following days, it was lovely! The sun was shining and it was 30 degrees. We walked to the beach.
Barry: And where are you staying?
Anne: We stayed in a charming cottage.
Barry: I think that you liked.
Anna: Yes, very much. For the year it is going there!
Barry: Bye!
Anne: See you there!
Po polsku:
Kasia: Cześć Ania! Jak było na wakacjach?
Ania: Cześć Kasia! Było cudownie!
Kasia: Tak? A gdzie byłaś?
Ania: Pojechałam z rodzicami nad morze.
Kasia: To fantastycznie. Jaką mieliście pogodę?
Ania: Przez pierwsze cztery dni padał deszcz, ale w następnych dniach było pięknie! Świeciło słońce i było 30 stopni. Codziennie chodziliśmy na plażę.
Kasia: A gdzie się zatrzymaliście?
Ania: Mieszkaliśmy w uroczym domku letniskowym.
Kasia: Myślę, że podobało ci się.
Ania: Tak, bardzo. Za rok też się tam wybieramy!
Kasia: Pa!
Ania: Do zobaczenia!
Adam: Hi Ella how was your holiday?
Ella: Oo Hi! It was fantastic but umfortunately it was raining nearly all the time.
A: O I'm sorry to hear that. But where were you?
E: At the seaside.
A: Well then you shouldnt be suprised because it rains there a lot.
E: I know but even thow it would be mutch better if it would be sunny.
A: O don't worry I'm sure you had some great time! What did you do?
E: Well we seen a coupl museums and went to some pubs.
A: I knew you didn't waste Youre time.
E: Yes I know but...
A: No but!!! You had great time and that's what counts.
E: You are right it was great. And You where did you go?
A: Well I was at home.
E: thats not bad i know you spended Youre time scateboarding and hanging out with friends. Am I right?
A: yes you are I had some great time and we had some realy nice weather so I did lots of photos would you like to hang out and sphotos best shots?
E: I'd love to. But not now. Can I come to Youre place arrownd 6pm?
A: Sure see you then!
E: Byyyyyy!!!!