Ułożcie mi zdania o transporcie, że wolę autbus, poniewaz jest taki, ale wadą jest ... i o pociagu etc. o samolocie. I zakończenie
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I prefer travel by bus because it is cheap transport way. But bus has disadwentages for example is very slow because it must stay in traffic jam,next disadventage isit that bus is dangerous. Bus drivers cause many accidents. The trains are very cofortable because we don't have to sit on seat all time we can walk in the train too. But it isn't the bes transport way because in Poland trains are very delayed and people can't arrive to place on time. A plane is fastest transport way but it has disadventage too. This disadvetage is price. It is very expensive. I think that the best transport way is own car because we can reach in each place inthe world.
The busis agoodmeans oftransportation,but itoftenbreaks down.The trainis veryfast andthanksto himI reachedquicklytoa place that heismy goal.Unfortunately,accidents happen.The planeisgood,but for thosewho do not havemotion sickness.However,in my opinion,the bestmeans of transport istrain.