Ułóż wierszyk po angielsku z niektórymi podanymi wyrazami: sand,hand,rose,nose,farm,arm,put,foot,case,eyes,near,eare,go,toe,red,had,beg,leg,deck,neck.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc !!!!!!!!
PS.: Nie muszą być wszytkie wyrazy tylko niektóre ..
Dam naj ;))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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One sand castle was build by a human's hand. He made a farm with his only arm and in casee he covered his eyes in special gel. Near the war ca wolf but he didn't care, he didn't want to go, the wolf touched his toe and he had to beg not to touch his leg. He tried to run on the ship's deck but the wolf teared up his neck.
Troche rymowane :P :D fajne zadanie