Ułóż w formir dialogu:
Chcesz spędzić wspólny weekend z koleżanką, zaproponuj wspólny wyjazd do miejsca X, poinformuj co możecie tam robić ( muzeum, na basen, kino, spacer itd.). Nie stety koleżańce się nie podoba się twój pomysł i podaje swój własny. Powiedz, że Ci się ten pomysł nie podoba i podaj swój( inny niż na początku). Na końcu obie przystajecie na tym pomyśle( zgadzacie się ze sobą). Proszę o pomoc;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-Hey, Jennie I'm going to visit Paris. Would you like to go with me?
-Hmm. It's a good idea. I need a rest.
- Okey then. We'll go to see the most beautiful places in this city. We buy some souvenirs. I heard museums are very interesting in there.
- Well, I don't like museums. They're boring. We could go to the art gallery. I love weird pictures - said Jennie.
- But it's the most boring thing on our planet! I think we should go for a shopping. French clothes are so cool! We should go to see amusement park. It's awesome.
- It's not bad idea. I think, we agree.
- Yeah, we will have so much fun! :)
A: Hello Emma. What do you do on the weekend?
B: Hi. I haven't plans.
A: I have an idea. What do you think about cinema? In our cinema is great horror movie.
B: I don't like horrors, sorry. But I have a good idea too, we can go to icerink.
A: This is a bad idea, I can't ride. My next idea is a pizzeria I heard there will be a concert.
B: Perfect! I like it. See you tommorow.
A: Ok, bye.