Ułóż rozmowę po angielsku,
Starasz się o pracę w międzynarodowej firmie. Rozmawiasz z potencjalnym pracodawcą.
* Przedstaw swoje kwalifikacje
* Powiedz, dlaczego interesuje Cię ta oferta.
* Wymień cechy charakteru predysponujące Cię do wykonywania tej pracy.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc :P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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to zaużmy że piszesz o sobie ten dialog tak jakbyś Ty tam była to będzie:
Ty (Me):-Good morning, I just came over to talk about my new work, because i really wanto to get it.
Szef (Boss) -Ok,brilliant. Now tell me your qualifications.
Me: Well, I've been in the office many times, doing some paper work. I know 4 languages: polish,english,french and spanish. I think it's useful if I want to work here isn't it?
Boss: Yes it is. Ok now I want to know why are you interested on this job.
Me: I always wanted to do paper work and working with people. Answer questions which they gives me, write stuffs on the keybord (klawiatura).
Boss: Allright now I know everything but I wish to know your personality because i don't want to work with people which doesn't know how to behave (biheif - zachowywać kulturę, ogólnie zachowywać się).
Me: I'm intelligent,smart lady. I don't fight with anybody\, I've never had any arguments with people and I'm fast so whatever you want me to do I will do it on time.
Boss: Ok that's enough! You got this job