Wiele gatunkóww królestwie zwierzątniebędzie w stanieprzetrwaćznacznie dłużejz powodu zmian wich naturalnym środowisku.jeśli nie będziemyim pomagaćteraz, będziemy mielitylkofotografie wprzyszłości, aby zobaczyćjak wyglądają.
Jaki jest problem ?
Pets candisappear fromthe Earth's surfacedue to changesin the ecosystem, orbecause ofharmfulhuman activities.Peopleto live, they needhomes, andincreasingly the casesothat it is primarilythe human speciestaking over our planet"Oftena manto be able tobuild houses,cut downforests, and thismeans thatstorms theterritories inhabitedby animalsand plants,whichare putat riskand, consequently, they maydisappear forever.Another reasoniscommercialhuntingordeer farmingto gaintrophies.They make thenumberof specimens of certainspecies such asblackbear orpanther,is reducedin a wayfrightening.Somefishorwildlifefor sportorto protect thecattle, as isthe case witha leopard orjaguar.It also happens, that there areonlyhuntin order toobtaina productof animal origin.For example, thewhalersto catchwhalesin order to latersellthemfat.Whenwe usechemical productsto protectcropsfromplagues,getsa lotof pesticidesinto riversand oceans, thuscontaminatingthe environment.Pollution isthe cause ofdeath of the animalsthat live inthese waters.
Jak możemy pomóc?
There are plenty of things that people can do to help endangered animals:
- Do pay attention to the garbage that is thrown away in your home because it may be you will have teach in this regard their parents. If we can control the garbage, then we stop polluting the river and the sea, your contribution to saving the environment, although comparable with the grain of sand, will be extremely important.
-You can work with any association, there are plenty of campaign
to preserve the fauna and flora.
You can build a bird feeder on the terrace of his home or on the window lay a grain of rice to fatten birds. You can also set poidełko for birds - birds need water, especially in summer.
- In the garden, plant a tree, and if it is not possible, exhibitions, pots of flowers that will attract butterflies. You can plant the seed plants from seeds that are used as food ptaszkom.
- You probably will not know that animals such as earthworms are very useful in the conversion of fertile land in the dirt. So let them live.
- The bees have their work, as well as spiders. So when you meet an animal in distress, help him. The earth is sick and needs help. We know a whole lot of problems that plague our planet, we talk about them and try to find a solution for them, but this may not be enough. will have to learn to live with ozone depletion, global warming of the planet, and even comes to the fact that their children will be able to show only a bear or a seal in the illustration. So it was a call for all children: garbage recycled quench the light, less car use, take care of wildlife because it is a very important task. That's why we want to entrust them to you, pass in the best hands - in your pure and innocent hands, open to what the future holds.
It is our duty as parents and teachers is to provide you the tools and utilities that help to preserve the planet. Please listen to the children, we are confident that if they begin to be aware of the problem, just take the work and will be able to learn the rules (and even learn of their parents), so that we save our Earth.
1.Many species in the animal kingdom not survive.
2.We can help themwithout destroyingtheir environment
Wiele gatunkóww królestwie zwierzątniebędzie w stanieprzetrwaćznacznie dłużejz powodu zmian wich naturalnym środowisku.jeśli nie będziemyim pomagaćteraz, będziemy mielitylkofotografie wprzyszłości, aby zobaczyćjak wyglądają.
Jaki jest problem ?
Pets candisappear fromthe Earth's surfacedue to changesin the ecosystem, orbecause ofharmfulhuman activities.Peopleto live, they needhomes, andincreasingly the casesothat it is primarilythe human speciestaking over our planet"Oftena manto be able tobuild houses,cut downforests, and thismeans thatstorms theterritories inhabitedby animalsand plants,whichare putat riskand, consequently, they maydisappear forever.Another reasoniscommercialhuntingordeer farmingto gaintrophies.They make thenumberof specimens of certainspecies such asblackbear orpanther,is reducedin a wayfrightening.Somefishorwildlifefor sportorto protect thecattle, as isthe case witha leopard orjaguar.It also happens, that there areonlyhuntin order toobtaina productof animal origin.For example, thewhalersto catchwhalesin order to latersellthemfat.Whenwe usechemical productsto protectcropsfromplagues,getsa lotof pesticidesinto riversand oceans, thuscontaminatingthe environment.Pollution isthe cause ofdeath of the animalsthat live inthese waters.
Jak możemy pomóc?
There are plenty of things that people can do to help endangered animals:
- Do pay attention to the garbage that is thrown away in your home because it may be you will have teach in this regard their parents. If we can control the garbage, then we stop polluting the river and the sea, your contribution to saving the environment, although comparable with the grain of sand, will be extremely important.
-You can work with any association, there are plenty of campaign
to preserve the fauna and flora.
You can build a bird feeder on the terrace of his home or on the window lay a grain of rice to fatten birds. You can also set poidełko for birds - birds need water, especially in summer.
- In the garden, plant a tree, and if it is not possible, exhibitions, pots of flowers that will attract butterflies. You can plant the seed plants from seeds that are used as food ptaszkom.
- You probably will not know that animals such as earthworms are very useful in the conversion of fertile land in the dirt. So let them live.
- The bees have their work, as well as spiders. So when you meet an animal in distress, help him. The earth is sick and needs help. We know a whole lot of problems that plague our planet, we talk about them and try to find a solution for them, but this may not be enough. will have to learn to live with ozone depletion, global warming of the planet, and even comes to the fact that their children will be able to show only a bear or a seal in the illustration. So it was a call for all children: garbage recycled quench the light, less car use, take care of wildlife because it is a very important task. That's why we want to entrust them to you, pass in the best hands - in your pure and innocent hands, open to what the future holds.
It is our duty as parents and teachers is to provide you the tools and utilities that help to preserve the planet. Please listen to the children, we are confident that if they begin to be aware of the problem, just take the work and will be able to learn the rules (and even learn of their parents), so that we save our Earth.