Łucja rozglądała sie po krainie i nagle zauwarzuła pewną istota.Troche sie jej przestraszyła ale po po pewnym momencie zaczęli rozmawiać.Faun zaprosił ją do swej nory na herbatę.Długo ze sobą rozmawiali .Powoli się ściemniało więc Łucja postanowiła wrócić do domu.Bardzo polubiła Pana tumnusa .Po paru minutach była juz w domu.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Łucja was looking around a land and suddenly she noticed certain being. She was a little scared of it, but after a while they started talking. Faun invited her to his hole for a tea. They talked with each other for a long time. It was getting dark slowly, so Łucja decided to go home. She really like Mr Tumnus. After few minutes she was at home.
Lucy was looking in the land. And suddenly she saw a strange creature. She was a little bit scared but after a few minutes they started to talk. Faun invited her to his hole for a cup of tea. They were talking a lot. It was getting dark so Lucy wanted to go home. She really liked Mr. Tumnus. After a few minutes she went back home.