Ubahlah teks cerita berikut ke dalam bahasa inggris dan menggunakan past tense!
CERITA LIBURAN SAYA pada saat libur sekolah saya hanya tinggal di rumah. Mengerjakan tugas,menonton tv, menyapu,mengepel,mencuci mobil, menjadi kegiaatan saya selama liburan.saat libur saya bangun jam 05.00 untuk melaksanakan sholat subuh di mesjid. Setelah pulang dari mesjid saya menonton tv dan main hp dan lama kelamaan tertidur.saat bangun saya mandi lalu membuat secangkir milo atau teh hangat didampingi oleh biskuit yang enak. Setelah itu saya menyapu dan mengepel rumah lalu istirahat. Setelah itu saya menonton tv dan main hp lagi. Saat jam 12.00 saya bersiap siap melaksanakan sholat dzhur. Setelah sholat dzhur saya mengerjakan tugas dari sekolah yang sangat banyak itu.lalu tertidur dan saat jam 03.20 saya bangun dan melaksanakan sholat ashar. Biasanya setelah itu saya mencuci mobil. 06.00 saya bersiap siap ke mesjid untuk melaksanakan sholat magrib lalu pulang ke rumah dan menunggu azan isya. Saat azan saya bergegas ke mesjid untuk melaksanakn sholat isya. Setelah itu saya mengerjakan tugas saya lagi sampai jam 10.00 setalah itu tidur.
during school holidays I used to just stay at home. Doing assignments, watching TV, sweeping, mopping, washing cars, became my activity during the holidays. When I was off I woke up at 5:00 to carry out morning prayers in the mosque. After returning from the mosque I watched TV and played cellphones and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I took a shower and made a cup of milo or warm tea accompanied by delicious biscuits. After that I swept and mopped the house then rested. After that I watch TV and play cellphones again. At 12.00 I prepared to do the dzhur prayer. After the dzhur prayer I did a lot of work from the school. Then I fell asleep and at 3:20 I woke up and performed the Asr prayer. Usually after that I wash the car. 6:00 I get ready to go to the mosque to perform evening prayers and then go home and wait for the call to prayer. When the call to prayer I rushed to the mosque to do the evening prayers. After that I did my assignment again until 10:00 after I slept.
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On school holiday, i just stay at home. Did task, watched television, sweeped and mop up the floor, and also washed car are my daily activity on holiday. Usually i woke up at 5am to pray subuh at mosque. After back from mosque i played my cell phone while watched television until i slept. On 12pm i prepared to pray dzuhur, after prayed dzuhur i did many homeworks from school. And the i slept and i woke up at 3.20pm to pray ashar.
during school holidays I used to just stay at home. Doing assignments, watching TV, sweeping, mopping, washing cars, became my activity during the holidays. When I was off I woke up at 5:00 to carry out morning prayers in the mosque. After returning from the mosque I watched TV and played cellphones and eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I took a shower and made a cup of milo or warm tea accompanied by delicious biscuits. After that I swept and mopped the house then rested. After that I watch TV and play cellphones again. At 12.00 I prepared to do the dzhur prayer. After the dzhur prayer I did a lot of work from the school. Then I fell asleep and at 3:20 I woke up and performed the Asr prayer. Usually after that I wash the car. 6:00 I get ready to go to the mosque to perform evening prayers and then go home and wait for the call to prayer. When the call to prayer I rushed to the mosque to do the evening prayers. After that I did my assignment again until 10:00 after I slept.
On school holiday, i just stay at home. Did task, watched television, sweeped and mop up the floor, and also washed car are my daily activity on holiday. Usually i woke up at 5am to pray subuh at mosque. After back from mosque i played my cell phone while watched television until i slept. On 12pm i prepared to pray dzuhur, after prayed dzuhur i did many homeworks from school. And the i slept and i woke up at 3.20pm to pray ashar.
*Maaf cuma bisa setengah, sisanya mager*